Top of the world's most unusual hotels. Hang Nga Hotel, Dalat, Vietnam
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This hotel is called “Crazy House” by locals. It is a guesthouse, a cafe and an art gallery - as they say in the West, “three in one”.
The architecture of this unique man-made structure is impressive: the building is designed in the form of a giant banyan tree and has five levels, and each room is decorated in its own style, different from all the others.
It was built using unique local handicrafts and ancient manuscripts. Mrs. Dang Viet Nga always dreamed of designing something special, unlike anything else, and she achieved her goal.
The hotel was built in memory of her father Truong Tinh, President of Vietnam from 1981 to 1988. It amazes with its abundance of skillful carved elements, fantastic images of animals with glowing eyes, chairs in the form of magical blackheads. There are even talking trees.
Most locals are wary of this building, but enthusiasts and fans of avant-gardism travel here from all over the world and continue to pay money, albeit paltry by European standards, to spend the night inside the fairy-tale tree. The money raised goes towards additional projects.
The creator of the gallery Dang Viet lived and studied at a Moscow university for 14 years, where she defended her PhD thesis in architecture. Besides this unique hotel, she has designed many buildings that adorn the neighborhoods of Dalat city, including the Children's Palace of Culture and the Catholic Church in Lien Quyong.