Travel Tips. 20+ secrets for a perfect flight that most passengers don't know about
Did you know there are ways to avoid waiting in line?
Arriving at flight check-in early, getting in line, waiting a bit and avoiding the pandemonium is the easiest and most obvious solution.
There is another option - to arrive, on the contrary, among the last ones. Being late is certainly bad, but you can arrive at the airport shortly before the end of check-in if you have checked in online and know your seats in advance. In this case, you can drop off your luggage without waiting in line and be one of the first to receive it on arrival. This method works in those airports where they check in each individual flight, not all departures of the airline (it is better to clarify this in advance).
Checking in online is also good because then one of the family members can check in the luggage while the rest of the family is quietly eating at a restaurant nearby. You may then be asked to come up and show yourself to the whole company.
If your boarding time is less than 40 minutes away, you are entitled to check-in without waiting in line. Don't forget a polite smile and explanation.
There is no point in standing in line to board the plane. No one will take your seats in the cabin. It is better to wait near the gate to go through when the crowd is gone.
It is not necessary or even harmful to hurry at the airport. But sometimes it is better to add a step. When getting off the plane on the way to passport control, do not delay: it will help to be an hour earlier where you were going to get to.
If you don't want to stand in line with everyone else, turn left before any control. People prefer to go in the direction of the dominant hand, which means most will go to the right. But you move against the flow: statistics suggest that the queue will be shorter there.