Top of the world's most unusual hotels. Hotel de Glace, Quebec, Canada
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The Ice Hotel is a landmark in Canada and is considered one of the best five-star hotels in the world, built only of ice. The furniture, very comfortable according to tourists' estimations, is also made of ice.
It has its own bar, a movie theater, two art galleries and, of course, comfortable rooms with all amenities, as well as a heated toilet and an outdoor Jacuzzi. Only you have to sleep in fur sleeping bags.
The hotel first opened its doors in January 2001, and it is located near Quebec City, next to the Montmorency Falls. Every year it is visited by more than 500 thousand tourists.
The area of the complex is small - only three thousand square meters, and every year houses with new interiors are built on it. About 4.5 thousand tons of snow and 250 tons of ice are used for the construction of this original hotel.
It is clear that the equipment in it is real, not ice, and the doors are made of wood, and the fireplace burns with a scalding flame, but in the bar there are glasses made of stable ice, which do not melt even from the heat of the brazier. However, guests prefer paper cups with wine and coffee.
Every year in the middle of January there is a grand opening of the newly built hotel with magnificent fireworks, performance of fakirs and orchestral music. The hotel works only for three months and disappears naturally, warmed by the rays of the warm spring sun in April.
Canadians borrowed the idea of the unusual structure called Hotel de Glace from the Swedes, where a similar ice palace, only four times bigger, has long been welcoming visitors and residents of the country.